Determining the status of your retirement provisions

Determining the status of your retirement provisions

Nowadays, hardly anyone works for the same employer for their entire working life, and many employees even work in different countries until they retire. Do you have an overview of your pension situation in old age?

First of all, it makes sense to be aware of when you will be eligible for which benefits (and from which country). In addition, here in Switzerland, it makes sense to regularly review your AHV retirement credits.

We think you deserve to be in the best possible position for your retirement. We are happy to assist in both reviewing the current status and helping you plan for the future.

In the beginning we will analyse your personal situation: together we will determine your initial situation and lay the foundation for future pension decisions.
  • For Switzerland this means:
    • Checking the AHV account statement: e.g. checking reported wages and education credits (“Erziehungsgutschriften“) if you have children.
    • Determining the pension fund assets, if necessary through a search order, if you are unsure whether all your pension fund assets are with your current pension fund provider
  • From an international perspective this means, for example, gaining an overview of
    • In which countries social security contributions have been paid
    • Whether the contributions to the foreign social security system have resulted in an entitlement to pension payments
    • From when on, in which country and which benefits can be claimed, in order to be able to plan the cash flow in old age.
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